Reverse Burnout in 7 Steps

Burnout doesn’t happen overnight. It creeps up on you slowly. You deny its existence until it is well established and significantly impacting your ability to be enthusiastic and productive.

Reversing burnout also doesn’t happen overnight. It takes deliberate action on your part to remove its hold on you. That is where the Reverse Burnout process comes in. It is based on a simple 7‑step problem-solving process to get you back on your feet and making a difference again.

reverse burnout process

7‑Step Reverse Burnout Process
© Roger Carr

By following a defined process, you are more likely to persevere. You will see the progress you are making. You will put burnout behind you faster.

Reveal Problem
Establish Causes
Visualize Potential Solutions
Elect Best Solution
Realize Action Plan
Start Taking Action
Evaluate Progress

I will be describing these steps in some future posts. I am also in the process of creating training materials, with tips and worksheets, that anyone can apply. Click here to keep from missing future posts and to receive announcements of the new Reverse Burnout training program as it becomes available. You will also receive a free gift just for signing up.

One Response

  1. Grace Cinotti February 12, 2014

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